Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mercy Me

Some days, a petty irritation can develop into a word-hurling snowball fight. And, when spoken in malice, icy words can cut so deep into a heart that they leave wounds as if they were cut by a sharp serrated butcher's knife. For me, communication seems easier when I'm typing 80+ wpm on my computer keyboard. On this 1-finger tap-tap iPhone, it's 15 wpm-. When it comes to verbal communication, I don't fair so well. Some days finding the right words is difficult. And, because of wording, I'm often misunderstood... though I never want to hurt or offend. (Dyslexia certainly has it's drawbacks). Yes, I need mercy; and so do you. But, mercy extended needs to be received... and, received without pride. So now, grace enters the equation and all that pride is thrown into the trash. Then; with love, grace AND mercy as our tools, we can start working toward solving our problems.

Blessed are the merciful; they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7

Jesus Loves Kids

Jesus Loves Kids
Jesus Loves All Children, Young AND Old