The world says Christians have been brainwashed. A broken, hurting and deceived WORLD needs Holy Ghost, Dunamis Power and on-going Blood of Jesus brainwashing sessions. Christ hung on Calvary as our One-and-Only/Once-and-for all Bondage-Breaking Blood Sacrifice. He did this to removes any and all sin, sickness and disease. He broke the barrier between us and a perfect God. Now anyone accepting that sacrifice has open passage at the doorway covered in Blood. Now a relationship with God is possible. We can openly communicate with him. Christ said, "Behold I make ALL things new". "It is finished".
"Lord, on with the brainwashing by Your Blood. Oh, wash me over and over and over 'til I'm spot-free. Sometimes we can get real dirty. Only Your Blood can clean up our sin messes. Thank you, Lord.